Golf Business Hole Sponsor

Golf Business Hole Sponsor


Out of stock

Business Hole Sponsor includes a unique reservation to advertise and promote your business near a tee box, putting green, driving range, or bathroom areas, selected at a first-come, first-served bases. One table and 2 chairs will be provided, and you are welcome to bring a canopy, signage, extra chairs and SWAG items from your company (please provide 100 items). You will have brand recognition, the opportunity to engage with all golfers passing through, pass out your company materials, offer games and prizes, and collect contact information. Your sponsorship also includes one breakfast and lunch! Your sponsorship also includes 1 breakfast and 1 lunch. Additional breakfast and lunch available for $40.

Choose Breakfast & Lunch Option First:

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



Hole Sponsor: Business

Hole selected on a first come, first served basis. Options:

  • 18 tee boxes
  • 2 spots on putting green
  • 1 on driving range
  • 4 available at the 2 bathroom areas

Additional information

1 Additional Breakfast & Lunch

Yes, No


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